May the Force of the N8 Team Be with You

May 4, 2022
May the Force of the N8 Team Be with You

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away lived a young woman named Emily Gall who had a dream of better marketing in the northwoods of Wisconsin. Armed with flannel and her laptop, she recruited a team from far and wide to help take on this dream. From web to graphics, social to digital and every marketing need in between, the N8 team uses the good of the force everyday to restore beautiful websites, strong social media and strategic marketing plans back to humanity.

So who are the stars of this dynamic dream team? Check them out!

The Perfect Pair

When it comes to sidekicks, you don’t get more legendary than Chewbacca and Hans Solo. Supportive and taking on the evil forces of bad social media, our very own social content teammates Madison and Andrea are intent on fighting boring graphics and long-winded posts with humor, teamwork and commitment to their clients.

Master of the Web

So maybe Matt isn’t a Sith Lord trying to take over the galaxy, but if you’ve ever had the opportunity to work with him, you do know that he is a web master intent on making your website the best in the galaxy. The cadence of his voice and other-wordly language of HTML and CSS makes his job seem mysterious - yet there’s no hiding that his work is out of this world.

Marketing Heroes

The heroes of Star Wars will always be Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. Much like Luke, Emily is a born adventurer - she didn’t ask what the galaxy needed, the galaxy asked her. She took a leap of faith and has since successfully guided clients big and small through the destruction of the death star and onward to the success of modern day marketing.

Right by her side is the tenacious Princess Leia…we mean Princess Kassie. Fierce and fearless, Kassie broke free from the chains of corporate marketing and nobly joined the Rebel Alliance of marketing heroes to fight the good fight. Her gentle leadership keeps the whole team level-headed in the face of our biggest villain: fear of failure for our beloved clients.


It takes a lot of courage to take on North of Eight’s accounting, but Brittany did it and has since saved us from a world of destruction and despair - well, mainly saved us from making people like the IRS mad. Like R2-D2, Brittany brings spunk and ingenuity to the office antics while still keeping us organized and focused on the mission: successfully marketing businesses and services for our amazing clients.

Do or do not, there is no try

Yoda was a Jedi of few words, but wise ones - a trait necessary in the world of web content. Cara’s professional life outside of North of Eight not only lends itself to wondrous wordsmithing but also keeps the leaders of our team calm, cool and collected in the face of battles both big and small.

Project Management Jedi Master

We all need someone to show us the light. Just as Obi-Wan Kenobi guided Luke Skywalker through the ways of the Jedi, Teresa has come to the team with everything we need to fully fight the Empire, a.k.a. countless emails, growing projects and multiple clients.

The Force Grows

The newest addition to our team, Darcie came ready to fight all of our graphic design needs. She is a “Rey” of sunshine and dedicates her work to beautiful graphics, bold design and wowing our clients with custom work to suit their needs. Facing adversaries every day like do-it-yourself graphic design programs,  the rookie of The Force is exactly what the Rebel Alliance needs - professionalism, creativity and a passion for client success.

At North of Eight, the Force is strong. With a team like this and clients like you, we’re unstoppable. Contact us today to take on your biggest marketing challenge - we are ready for anything!

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